Teacher and School Employee Workers Compensation Attorney in Virginia
There are many people and occupations who contribute to a successful school and education system. These include:
- Administration (Principals, Assistant Principals, and Secretaries)
- Bus drivers
- Cafeteria workers and attendants
- Guidance counselors
- Janitorial staff and custodians
- School nurses
- Teachers and teacher aides
Each of these occupations plays an important role in educating our children.
Workers Comp Benefits for Teachers and School Employees
Any teacher or school employee who suffers an injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment is covered under the Virginia Workers Compensation Act. Workers compensation is a no-fault system that provides a number of benefits, including:
- Lifetime medical benefits for all treatment that is reasonable, necessary, authorized, and causally related to your work injuries.
- Temporary total disability benefits for periods where you’re unable to work either because your doctor has taken you out of work completely or because the school district does not have light duty work available within your restrictions.
- Permanent partial disability benefits for loss of use or function of a scheduled body part like the arm, leg, foot, or hand.
- Vocational rehabilitation benefits such as retraining and job coaching.
You may also negotiate a full and final workers compensation settlement when you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) or if compensability is in dispute.
Who Provides Workers Compensation Insurance to Schools?
Many Virginia school systems pool their risk and join together to self-insure their workers compensation claims We have helped teachers and school employees obtain workers’ comp benefits from insurance carriers such as VML Insurance Programs and Virginia Association of Counties (VaCorp), which are group self-insurance pools for local governments, schools, and authorities.
If you’re injured while working at a private school or educational facility then your employer may have coverage through a private insurance carrier.
Some of you may teach or work at schools who are self-insured by the Commonwealth of Virginia or by the city, county, or town they serve.
No matter the insurance coverage, we can help you if you’re hurt on the job.
Common Work-Related Accidents and Injuries Suffered by Teachers and School Employees
Teachers and school employees are exposed to many of the same risks as other occupations. They are often injured by:
- A slip and fall in the parking lot, hallway, or gym
- A trip or fall in the parking lot, hallway, or gym
- Driving to other locations for field trips or athletic events
- Exposure to dangerous chemicals or machinery while teaching a vocational skill (shop class or mechanic trainng)
- Getting hit by an athlete during practice
- Lifting a box of books or other school supplies
- Participating in extracurricular activities including student-faculty fundraisers
- School bus related accidents
Unique Workers Compensation Situations for Teachers and School Employees
Virginia workers compensation claims involving teachers and school employees are different from claims involving other types of workers. Here’s why:
- Many schools have safety programs. Teachers and school employees may be required to participate in safety training and drills. This means the employer may defend your claim on the basis that you violated a safety rule.
- Many schools provide medical care on-site. The school nurse may treat your injury when it first happens. But you’re also entitled to a panel of physicians and should seek further care. We recommend that you assert yourself and give yourself as many treatment options as possible.
- School systems and universities may try to find you light duty work. We’ve seen schools offer teachers chairs or stools if they’re unable to stand for lengthy periods, ask other employees to help injured teachers lift and carry books, computers, and other equipment, and allow janitors and cafeteria attendants to do light cleaning for a temporary period. Make sure that the light duty offered does not exceed your treating physician’s work restrictions.
- Union contracts. If you’re a member of a teachers’ union or labor union, ask an attorney to review your collective bargaining agreement (CBA) before agreeing to light duty.
- Average weekly wage. Many school employees and teachers have summers and holidays off. Because of this employers and insurance carriers may try to negotiate a lower pre-injury average weekly wage. Don’t let this happen! The average weekly wage serves as the basis of the value your claim. The higher, the better the chance you’ll receive fair compensation for your work injuries.
Workers Comp Attorney for Teachers and School Employees in Virginia
We serve as workplace accident lawyer for school employees and teachers hurt on the job at:
- Adult education centers
- Colleges
- Community colleges
- Daycare centers
- GED training courses
- Specialty schools for the deaf and blind
- Technical schools
- Trade schools and apprenticeship program
We Help Injured Teachers and School Employees Who Work For or Belong To:
As a teacher workers compensation lawyer I represent educators and employees who work for the following school districts or belong to the following education trade unions:
- Albemarle County Public Schools
- Alexandria City Public Schools
- Amelia County Public Schools
- American Federation of Teachers
- Appomattox County Public Schools
- Arlington Public Schools
- Association of Teachers and Lecturers
- Association of University Teachers
- Augusta County Public Schools
- Bath County Public Schools
- Botetourt County Public Schools
- Buckingham County Public Schools
- Buena Vista City Public Schools
- Campbell County Public Schools
- Caroline County Public Schools
- Charles City County Public Schools
- Charlotte County Public Schools
- Charlottesville City Schools
- Chesapeake Public Schools
- Chesterfield County Public Schools
- Colonial Beach Public Schools
- Colonial Heights Public Schools
- Communications Workers of America
- Culpeper County Public Schools
- Danville Public Schools
- Dinwiddie County Public Schools
- Essex County Public Schools
- Fairfax County Public Schools
- Federal Education Association
- Fluvanna County Public Schools
- Franklin City Public Schools
- Franklin County Public Schools
- Fredericksburg City Public Schools
- Gloucester County Public Schools
- Hampton City Schools
- Hanover County Public Schools
- Harrisonburg City Public Schools
- Henrico County Public Schools
- Hopewell Public Schools
- Isle of Wight County Public Schools
- King and Queen County Public Schools
- King George County Schools
- King William County Public Schools
- Lancaster County Public Schools
- Lexington City Schools
- Loudoun County Public Schools
- Louisa County Public Schools
- Lunenburg County Public Schools
- Lynchburg City Schools
- Manassas City Public Schools
- Mathews County Public Schools
- Mecklenburg County Public Schools
- Middlesex County Public Schools
- National Association of Head Teachers
- National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers
- National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
- National Education Association
- National Teachers Association
- National Union of Teachers
- New Kent County Public Schools
- Newport News Public Schools
- Norfolk Public Schools
- Nottoway County Public Schools
- Orange County Public Schools
- Petersburg City Public Schools
- Pittsylvania County Schools
- Poquoson City Public Schools
- Portsmouth Public Schools
- Powhatan County Public Schools
- Prince Edward County Public Schools
- Prince George County Public Schools
- Prince William County Public Schools
- Rappahannock County Public Schools
- Richmond Public Schools
- Roanoke City Public Schools
- Southampton County Public Schools
- Spotsylvania County Public Schools
- Stafford County Public Schools
- Staunton City Schools
- Suffolk City Public Schools
- Surry County Public Schools
- Sussex County Public Schools
- Virginia Beach City Public Schools
- Waynesboro Public Schools
- West Point Public Schools
- Westmoreland County Public Schools
- Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools
- Winchester Public Schools
- UNITE Here
- United Auto Workers
- United Federation of Teachers
- Virginia Education Association
- York County School Division
Call, text, or email Corey Pollard today for help getting approved for workers comp in Virginia. We want to help you and your family during this difficult time. And we can even help you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. As a Richmond disability lawyer and Social Security attorney in Virginia Beach, Corey Pollard has helped teachers and school employees prove they’re disabled and get the benefits and medical coverage they deserve.
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