Voted One of the Best Workers Comp Lawyers in Virginia


Don’t Lose Everything You’ve Worked Hard For. Let Our Trusted Virginia Work Injury Law Firm Help You Maximize Your Benefits and Get the Best Cash Settlement Possible.

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What Can a Workers Compensation Attorney Do for You?


After a work injury, you deserve an attorney who will answer your questions, know the ins and outs of the workers comp claim process, and maximize your benefits by winning at trial or negotiating a lump sum settlement.


Workers Compensation Lawyer in Richmond, Virginia

You never expected to be here. You have known coworkers, friends, and family members who got hurt at work. But you never thought it would be you looking for help after an accident on the job.


Breathe easy. You are in the right place. Our Virginia workers comp lawyers have given thousands of injured workers the information and advice to make the best decisions for their occupational injuries, won countless hearings to obtain benefits, and negotiated more than $75 million in workers compensation settlements.


So, if you or a loved one have concerns about how the employer or insurance company treats you after a work injury or how you can receive medical care or get by financially now that you have permanent restrictions forcing a career change, call a top-rated workers comp lawyer with my firm.


By winning your claim or negotiating a settlement, our work injury attorneys can help you keep the respect and dignity you deserve after an occupational injury or illness – regardless of your income, occupation, or social standing. Our reputation – backed by some of Virginia’s largest reported workers compensation settlements and numerous winning opinions from the Court of Appeals of Virginia and the Workers Compensation Commission – ensures you the best chance of success of regaining independence and control over your health care, career, and finances.


Are you ready to talk about your legal options with a Virginia workers comp lawyer who was voted one of the best claimants’ attorneys in the country?


You likely went through a lot before you found my website or typed “workers comp lawyer near me” into the search bar. Hostile employers, unresponsive workers comp claim adjusters, missing benefit checks, and trouble obtaining medical care are common reasons injured employees like you find their way to a work injury attorney like me.


So, if you are ready to discuss your work-related accident and see if we are a good match professionally, call my Virginia workers compensation law firm at (804) 251-1620 or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation.


Are you not ready to speak with a Virginia workers comp lawyer, or prefer to handle your claim without an attorney? Download my free workers compensation and Social Security disability guides for tips on qualifying for income replacement benefits or medical care after a work accident.


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Injured at Work?

Contact me today. If we accept representation, a top-rated Virginia workers comp lawyer will help you receive an award of wage loss and medical benefits and negotiate a settlement to provide you and your family financial security.


As an injured worker, you want results. Our Virginia workers comp attorneys get them.

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Our client, a logger, suffered a spinal cord injury resulting in paralysis when he fell from a tree. We recovered more than $2 million in benefits after winning several disputes and negotiated an additional $2 million settlement during mediation.

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Our client, a trucker, suffered a traumatic brain injury and a back injury requiring spinal fusion because of a third party’s negligence on a construction site.


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Our client, a roofer, fractured his lumbar spine and developed a neurogenic bladder after falling off a building. We negotiated a settlement worth more than $1.2 million.

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Our client, a laborer, required an arm amputation in a workplace accident involving a defective product at a lumber yard.

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Our client, a delivery driver who was a union member, suffered a career-ending back injury while unloading products.

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Our client, a tractor-trailer driver, had a head injury, burns, and injuries to his arms and legs in a semi-truck crash.

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Our client, a janitor, injured her spine when she slipped and fell on the job.

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Our client, a traveling salesman, injured his lower back in a work-related car crash.

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Our delivery driver client hurt both knees when he fell between his commercial truck and the loading dock.

Do you want to know what results our Virginia workers compensation attorneys can get for you? Tell us your story.

Which situation best describes what you are dealing with after your work injury?


Recently Hurt on the Job?

The minutes, hours, and days after a work injury can determine whether you win your case or receive a fair settlement offer. Do not agree to the insurance adjuster’s request for a recorded statement or select a treating physician from the panel without speaking with a Virginia workers comp lawyer. Giving proper notice, choosing the best doctor, and filing a detailed workers compensation claim with supporting documentation strengthens your case. Click the link for an overview of workers compensation law.

Virginia Workers Compensation Rules


Unsure What Benefits are Available after a Work Accident?

You may qualify for several types of workers compensation benefits after an occupational injury. But don’t count on your employer and insurer to tell you what they are. Our work injury lawyers will explain each benefit available and what evidence you need to qualify for that benefit. Examples include temporary total disability, temporary partial disability, permanent partial disability, and lifetime medical care paid at the employer’s expense. Click the link for an explanation of the available benefits.

Types of Workers Compensation Benefits


Received Interrogatories, Requests for Production, or a Deposition Notice?

Insurance companies and their team of workers compensation lawyers, claim adjusters, and nurse case managers often try to overwhelm injured employees with discovery requests. They hope that flooding you with paperwork, requests, and motions will inconvenience and discourage you, leading you to accept the first workers comp settlement offer you get. Our work injury attorneys can help you stop the harassment, respond in ways that strengthen your case, and use pre-trial discovery to get the evidence needed to win. Click on the link to learn more about workers comp discovery.

Workers Compensation Discovery


Hearing Scheduled?

If the insurer refuses to pay the benefits you seek, you must present your case at a hearing before a deputy commissioner. Effective trial presentation requires knowledge of the rules of evidence. Our workers comp lawyers have handled – and won – more hearings than I can count. And if we accept representation, we will present the best story possible and prepare you to testify. Click on the link for tips to persuade the judge at your hearing.

Workers Comp Hearing

Are you now ready to hire a skilled Virginia workers comp lawyer? 

How a workers compensation attorney can maximize your case’s value.


Money isn’t everything.


But cash payments for wage loss and medical treatment are how the legal system resolves disputes over occupational injury and disease claims.


So, knowing how much money you can receive for your losses from the work injury – and whether a Virginia workers comp lawyer can help you get more than you would otherwise get on your own – is important .


Many factors determine the value of a workers compensation case, including the following:


    • Your pre-injury income and compensation rate;


    • Whether the insurer contests compensability;


    • The number of potential weeks of wage loss payments remaining;


    • Your ability to return to work (as reflected in work restrictions from your treating doctors);


    • How much money you can earn in a light-duty position;



    • The projected cost of future medical treatment.


And one mistake in a medical record, an incomplete form, or a missed deadline can make the difference between immediate payments or years of delay.


We have shown you some of our top case results that put millions of dollars in injured workers’ pockets.


We have also explained the most common situations where injured workers like you first contact us – and why that is the right decision to secure income and medical benefits.


But you aren’t sold on needing a work injury attorney. You want to know how exactly our Virginia workers comp lawyers make your life easier from when you sign the retainer agreement to when you receive a settlement check.


Here are some of the ways that hiring my firm to serve as your workers compensation attorney can help during one of the most stressful periods of your life:


    • We provide countless resources to educate you on the claim process. For example, check out our Virginia workers compensation faqs page for answers to more than 200 of the most common questions injured employees have.



    • We gather the evidence to win your case, including requesting medical records, earnings statements, safety reports, and personnel files.


    • We interview witnesses and obtain supportive statements.


    • We communicate with your doctors, physical therapists, counselors, and other expert witnesses to obtain statements on causation and disability.


    • We help you answer interrogatories, requests for production, and requests for admissions served by the employer and insurer.


    • We serve discovery requests to force employers and insurers to turn over documents and identify their defenses.


    • We prepare you for deposition and trial.


    • We defend you at deposition, raising objections when proper.


    • We monitor your case with the Commission, including asking for expedited judicial opinions and settlement approvals.


    • We deal with the insurance company directly.


    • We help you deal with debt collectors while you wait for a decision in your case or a settlement.


    • We will try your case before the Commission or the Court of Appeals.



    • We submit trial briefs and written statements when the Commission requests them.


    • We help you choose the best medical providers for your specific injury.



    • We review proposed agreement forms to ensure they lead to correct award orders


    • We determine whether you qualify for other benefits, including Social Security disability, Virginia Retirement System (VRS), and long-term disability payments. Then, we help you prosecute that claim or refer you to a lawyer who can.



    • And more.


Your work injury and disability struck suddenly.


Everything you and your family have worked and sacrificed for is now at risk.


You can’t afford to make the wrong choice.


Contact us to see if we are the best Virginia workers comp lawyer for you.





    Virginia Workers Compensation Cases Involving:


    Back Injury

    Back injuries damaging the lumbar spine (lower back) and cervical spine (upper back/neck) are the most common occupational injuries resulting in missed time from work. These injuries frequently require one or more spine surgeries.

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    Knee Injury

    Knee injuries involving the patella (kneecap), meniscus, or anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) can lead to extensive medical care and sedentary work restrictions. In addition, an occupational knee injury increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis.


    Construction Accident

    Our Virginia work injury lawyers handle many construction site accident cases, particularly forklift crashes and crane tip-overs. These claims involve workers compensation through your employer and the possibility of a tort claim against another person or entity on the site.

    preexisting conditions injured

    Slip and Fall Accidents

    Job-related slips and falls are a leading cause of occupational injuries. Despite their frequency, a slip and fall can still cause catastrophic injury and permanent disability.


    Work-Related Car Accidents

    Tractor-trailer drivers aren’t the only employees at risk of suffering an injury on the road. Many of you travel for work at least occasionally, increasing the risk of a work-related collision. These work-related crashes may give you a third-party negligence claim against the driver who struck you.

    Workers Comp Brain Injury/Concussion

    Head Injury

    As technology advances and society recognizes the harm a head injury can cause, we see an increase in the diagnosis of workplace concussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Damage to the brain may result in post-concussive syndrome, with headaches, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating. .

    history of workers compensation

    Shoulder Injury

    Performing any job without full use of your shoulders, arms, and hands is challenging. A rotator cuff tear or torn biceps tendon can be debilitating, limit your ability to lift, carry, push, pull, and reach, and prevent you from going back to work, especially if surgery is required.


    Loss of Limb/Amputation

    A severed limb accident or the loss of a limb due to surgical amputation or a crush injury, often caused by heavy machinery used in construction and manufacturing, can be devastating. A top-rated Virginia workers comp lawyer can ensure your settlement includes money to cover wage loss, permanent loss of use, and future medical expenses like prosthetic replacements.

    If you made it this far, you know you shouldn’t represent yourself. Get a top-rated Virginia work injury lawyer on your side.

    We are Your Virginia Workers Compensation Lawyer

    Legend has it that Abraham Lincoln said: A man who represents himself, has a fool for a client.


    You can represent yourself in a workers compensation claim.


    But in choosing to do this, you put a lot of risk and pressure on yourself to learn the law and outsmart and outmaneuver insurance company representatives who try to minimize the value of injured employees’ claims for a living.


    Don’t do this.


    Instead, contact a top-ranked Virginia workers comp lawyer with my firm. Let’s win your fight together.

    Get Your Free Consultation

      Corey Pollard
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